
Handling of orders

When you order from us

When your purchase has gone through the checkout, an auto-generated email will be sent to you with the receipt for your order. If you haven't received one, double check your spam. If you have not received anything in either the junk mail or your regular inbox, contact us and enter your name (alternatively order number if you have this information) for the order to to receive information about your order.

Once your order has been registered in our system, we will start processing your order. The orders are then packed according to the "oldest first" principle, which means that the oldest order is packed first. We will pack your order over the weekend and it will be sent out the following Monday or Tuesday. This is to minimize the risk of a package being left over the weekend with the delivery company. This means that if your order is placed during a weekend/holiday, your package can be sent a week later depending on how much we have to pack. Should your order not be able to be sent on the Monday or Tuesday after you have placed your order, we will notify you with a preliminary date when your order will be sent.

Digital products are sent to your specified email within a few minutes, if you have not received your product within 24 hours, please contact us at with information about your order such as order number, product and the email address you specified at the completion of the purchase.

The processing time for your order is normally 2-8 working days. The delivery time then takes an additional 1-3 working days (Please note that this may differ between the different shipping methods).

When you get the plant home

Getting your new plant home is always exciting and you want to tinker with it quickly. For the best success with your new plants be sure to give them a proper chance to acclimate. Place it brightly, water as needed and give a weak dose of nutrition after you have given it new fresh water twice.

Sending plants is always a risk and stress factor, it is in a dark box where it is shaken when handling the package and it is exposed to temperature changes. Therefore, we recommend that you collect your package on the same day it arrives at the agent. If you receive your package during the winter, we recommend that you leave the package unopened for a while in your home, this is to allow the carton and contents to warm up slowly as temperature changes can shock the plant.

If your plant is sent planted in soil mix, we recommend that you let it continue to live in this mix for at least two weeks to avoid unnecessary stress for the plant. Therefore, do not replant your plant immediately when you receive it if you want to give it the best conditions for a gentle acclimatization.

If it is sent in moss, we recommend continuing to keep it in moss for at least two weeks, preferably in the accompanying pot. Don't forget to soak the moss if necessary, as dry moss means dry roots. When the plant gets used to your climate, it is free to replant it in any planting medium.

Since the plant is in such a sensitive and stressed state after shipping and moving, it is important that you let it get used to your routines and your climate at home slowly. We know that you would like to replant, possibly take cuttings and repot the little crab right away, but remember that it is not used to you yet. Let it take the time it takes. If you disturb the plant too much after shipping, there is a risk that it will not be able to recover and rot may occur, in the worst case the plant may not be salvageable at all if it has gone too far. So keep your fingers crossed and enjoy just looking at it for a while.

Bringing home a plant from a new environment is of course a fun experience and you want to bring it into your home right away together with your other plants. However, we recommend that you quarantine the plant for a couple of weeks to keep an eye on it. Sometimes a possible pest or disease is not visible directly on the plant and it would be a shame if it comes with an unwelcome friend that spreads to your other plants. We do not send anything with visible vermin or disease, but mistakes can happen and sometimes the vermin are so small that they can easily hide when we inspect the plant before departure.

"If you wish to make anything grow, you must understand it, and understand it in a very real sense. ‘Green fingers’ are a fact, and a mystery only to the unpracticed. But green fingers are the extensions of a verdant heart."

– Russell Page
